What you need to know about buying terpenes (and taking terpenes) in Australia
Whether you’re just discovering the world of terpenes or you’re a long-time advocate, understanding what they are and how they work is essential for wellness devotees. We help you discover the transformative properties of terpenes and show you where you can get your hands on them.
Terpenes explained
Plants have always been known for their healing properties and have been used in a variety of remedies. And with more and more people questioning big pharma and taking a more holistic approach to their health, the demand for alternative treatments like vitamins, plant oils, and herbal tinctures has never been so high.
Limonene, the terpene found in lemons, is said to be a powerful anti-inflammatory.
The increasing interest in alternative therapies has also shone a light on terpenes. They’re not as well-known as many other remedies but are gaining attention due to studies that show promising effects for a number of ailments. So, what’s the deal with terpenes, and what do they actually do?
Terpenes occur naturally in all types of plants (including fruits and vegetables) and are the molecules that give plants their distinctive scent. They’re a vital part of most alternative therapies and form the basis of many essential oils. Lavender, for instance, contains the potent stress relieving terpene known as linalool, while limonene, the terpene found in lemons, is said to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and may even benefit certain cancer treatments.
Terpenes and the entourage effect
Although terpenes can be found in almost every plant, it is the cannabis plant that is often central to discussions around terpenes. The cannabis plant is rich in terpenes (any one plant is said to contain roughly 120-140 different terpenes). Terpenes are thought to interact with common cannabinoids. In fact, terpenes can either intensify or downplay the body’s response to cannabinoids in a phenomenon called ‘the entourage effect’.
What’s even more exciting about terpenes is that they can be effectively extracted and isolated from the cannabis plant. This means they can be used for their own purported benefits, but don’t contain any psychoactive compounds.
What are the benefits of terpenes?
While terpenes have always been greatly utilised in wellness therapies, growing data suggests they could play a role in everything from treating inflammatory disease, lessening anxiety and depression, enhancing alertness, increasing the amount of deep sleep you have, improving insomnia, reducing the risk of cancer and more.
This all might sound astonishing, but when you think about the role terpenes play in nature, it starts to make sense. Terpenes are thought to protect plants from weather and predators and growing research is showing that terpenes may be equally beneficial and therapeutic for humans.
Are terpenes legal in Australia?
Yes, terpenes are legal in Australia, provided they are NOT derived from the cannabis plant. Currently terpenes derived from cannabis and the hemp plant are illegal in Australia and can only be obtained through a prescription.
Khush Mountain terpenes are all derived from non-cannabis botanical sources and are therefore available to buy without a prescription and are completely legal. Our hemp seed oils are also free from any purchasing restrictions and are perfectly legal to buy.
What’s the difference between cannabis derived terpenes and botanical terpenes?
As their names suggest, cannabis derived terpenes come from the cannabis plant, while botanically derived terpenes come from all other plants. The two differ mainly in flavour. Cannabis derived terpenes generally retain their cannabis taste while botanical terpenes offer a variety of flavours and aromas.
There is no difference in the effects of botanical derived terpenes and cannabis derived terpenes. The only difference is the taste.
Taste aside, botanical and cannabis terpenes are virtually identical. For instance, myrcene, one of the most abundant terpenes found in cannabis - can also be found in mangoes,while limonene (another common cannabis terpene) can be sourced from lemons and oranges.
Botanical and cannabis terpenes both offer the same benefits as well. The main difference right now is that plant-based terpenes are legal to obtain in Australia.
Different ways to take terpenes
Aromatherapy is based on the amazing effects of terpenes.
Given that terpenes are in plants and many of the foods we eat, it’s likely they’re a big part of your routine already. Additionally, if you’re a fan of essential oils, you’ve probably experienced the calming, invigorating or energizing effects of various terpenes.
But with terpenes available in many forms and combinations, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start and how terpenes can best suit your needs. Here are some options when using terpenes:
- Single terpene tinctures: tinctures - otherwise known as concentrated liquid herbal extracts - have been used for centuries to relieve a wide range of health problems. Terpenes in tincture form are said to be both safe and effective at treating specific ailments while a single terpene blend can target a specific requirement. For instance, beta-caryophyllene is a commonly prescribed treatment for inflammation and anxiety and can be taken in small doses for maximum benefit.
- Terpene blends: Tincture blends are ideal for those seeking a multipurpose treatment that can treat several conditions. For instance, those seeking a calming tonic may enjoy the Khush Mountain Relax Combining high performing terpenes including beta-caryophyllene, myrcene, limonene and hemiterpenes, this blend uses a base of hemp seed oil and contains terpenes thought to target anxiety, muscle aches, cognitive impairment and neurological function.
- Inhalation: An obvious and perhaps the most common way to take terpene is through inhalation; either through smoking a terpene rich cannabis blend or using a vape device with terpenes added. Alternatively, terpenes can also be inhaled through an aromatherapy diffuser or vaporizer.
- Edibles: While terpenes can be consumed naturally as fruits, vegetables and herbs, they can also be infused into foods and gummies.
- Topical application: Terpenes such as linalool and limonene have long been used to treat a range of skin conditions. Remember, terpenes are highly concentrated, so they should generally be diluted before application.
Where can I buy terpenes in Australia? And what should I look out for?
As terpene tinctures are relative newcomers to the wellness market, Australian customers may find it difficult knowing where to start. As they are not yet freely available in chemists, consumers can choose from a growing number of specialised websites.
When purchasing terpenes online take a look at the ingredients and check to see if they are plant or cannabis based (as cannabis based terpenes are not currently legal in Australia).
Additionally, take note of where the products are made. Terpenes made in Australia and the US are generally made to more rigorous therapeutic standards.
Ready to take the next step and start your terpene journey? Make sure you’ve got all the facts with our guide to different types of terpenes.